MTM is about male-male relationships: about men and their need for intimacy, affection, and bonding with other men.
MTM promotes brotherhood between blokes who desire only the best for their fellow blokes. We aim to limit if not nullify the effects of social oppression towards men (whether by other men or by women, or by society in general). We are not unlike Men's Movement in this respect.
MTM is about male-male sexuality: about men and their sexual attraction to other men, and the need to eliminate irrational fears and inhibitions in regard to these feelings.
MTM is not about 'homosexuality', as it includes female-female sexuality, and has historically been [incorrectly] associated with sexual misconduct (eg: sodomy), mental conditions (eg: GID), culture-specific sexual identities (eg: Gay), and transgender - which all deserve blogs of their own.
MTM is not about misogyny. We do not think that males are better than females. We do not, and cannot, hate women. We believe that both sexes have their differences but are nonetheless born equal.
MTM is not against male-female sexuality. By all means, indulge in it if you feel it natural. Humans, like most primates, are naturally "bisexual" beings. We are attracted to whoever is "hot" regardless of gender.
MTM is not for perverts looking to get laid. Sex is a good thing but this is not a channel for meaningless sexual exploits. We believe that sex should be treated with respect. And lastly, the bros of MTM are not infallible. We do not claim to be experts on sexual health, sociology, psychology or anthropology. You may use the comments section to argue with, for, or against any material you see as unacceptable on an objective level.
You may e-mail us at for private questions, comments or what-have-you.
Brief Glossary
androphilia: sexual attraction to males bisexuality: sexual attraction to both sexes cisgender: sex and gender are "consistent" eg: masculine male, feminine female gender: social differences between males and females gender identity: an individual's self-conception as being male or female gynephilia: sexual attraction to females hermaphroditism: physical endowment of both male and female reproductive parts intergender: sex and gender are "inconsistent" eg: masculine female, feminine male intersex: born sex and sexual identity are inconsistent heterosexuality: sexual attraction to the opposite sex homosexuality: sexual attraction to the same sex monosexuality: sexual attraction to one sex pomosexuality: sexual attraction without bias to gender sex: physical endowment of either male or female reproductive parts sexual identity: an individual's conception of themselves in regard to sexuality or sex sexuality: sexual behaviour or feelings sexual orientation: predisposition of sexual attraction
sexual preference: preference of sexual attraction or sexual activity transgender: belonging to neither gender (neuter) or both genders; sometimes "genderqueer" or "third gender" transsexualism: sexual transformation from one's birth sex to one's chosen sex transvestism: practice of cross-dressing, which is wearing the clothing of the opposite sex [social]
Popularity is very inconsistent. Sometimes it's there, sometimes it's not. It usually just comes in waves. See the link below for more info.